Best Time Of Year For Exterior Painting

exterior home painter denver

When Is The Best Time Of Year For Exterior Paint?

Fall/Autumn In Denver Is The Best Time To Apply Exterior Paint

exterior home painter denver

When is the best time of year to have the exterior of my home painted?

This is a popular question from many homeowners. Denver exterior painting is best taken care of between September – November. People are always surprised when they hear me say that. The reasons? By this time of year- especially in Denver with our hot, dry summers- humidity is at a low, most surfaces are thoroughly dry (after that long summer), and temperatures are perfect for paint- in the 60’s to 70 degrees- allowing for precise cure times leading to a solid paint finish.

Why not summer?

Simply, the summer months are very hot for exterior painting in Denver. Between daytime temps in the 90’s and often times a dry, hot wind, the summer months are harsh for exterior painting in Denver. I’m not saying you only have a 3 month window to paint, just that most people think 60 degrees is too cold. In fact, 60 degrees is perfect.

Going to get nerdy on ‘ya here:)

If you read the manufacturer’s specs on websites or cans, the average dry/cure time is explained in conjunction with a temperature of 70 degrees, with some percentage of humidity (way more than Colorado ever has). All of these measurements are ideal for proper curing/drying and offering the optimal finished exterior paint surface. These mimic the typical climate in Denver from September thru November.

If you haven’t gotten exterior paint on your home and planned on that this year. do it now. The timing is perfect and you’ll prevent any further damage that comes with winter. Trust me, it’s cheaper now than in the long run.

Of course you should call us: 720.319.6822