Going Green with Paint in Denver

going green with paint in Denver

Going Green with Paint in Denver

Minimize VOC’s For A Healthier Paint Job

going green with paint in Denver
Above, a few products from Benjamin Moore that provide low-VOC/zero-VOC and virtually no odor.

The Push To Go Green

There is a big push to “go green” in many aspects of today’s society, especially in an environmentally conscious and active city like Denver. By following some of these steps, not only are we contributing to save the planet, but also helping out our own well-being. There are many steps one can take to encourage a safer, healthier planet. Even the paint world has seen a rather large impact from the “go green” demand and our Denver painters have plenty of green products to suit your needs.

What Are VOC’s?

What are VOC’s, you ask? VOC, or Volatile Organic Compounds, are particles in the paint that are released while the product is drying or curing. Invisible to the eye and often shrugged off, these particles can be the cause of headaches, dizziness and harsh affects on the respiratory system (in large amounts of course). The low-VOC and zero-VOC label means there are less than 50 grams of VOC per liter of product or zero-VOC, respectively. This means little to no odor and very little or zero-VOC particles being released into your Denver home.

Consider Going Green

If you have ever considered going green with your Denver paint project, now is the time! There are a number of products from almost every manufacturer to aid in your green efforts. The image above displays some products from Benjamin Moore that are low-VOC and zero-VOC and virtually odorless. Our Denver painters find these products to be perfect for kids’ rooms, expecting parents and individuals with sensitive respiratory systems. And for businesses, these green products can also allow a project to be completed during business hours without offensive smells to visitors. In fact, on a recent commercial project (using Aura, pictured above) we had office personnel comment on how they couldn’t even smell the paint!

If you are considering a Denver paint project, please give us a chance to provide you with eco-friendly paint options. Call now! (720) 319-6822 or Contact Us Here