Power of Pinterest
Another powerful social media outlet
Pinterest is the latest in a wave of powerful social media sites. Providing “bulletin boards” of favorite pictures, projects, recipes and anything you can think of to share with the world. However, unlike Facebook and Twitter, Pinterest is communication simply through pictures or “pins”.
Pinterest offers a sense of confidence as pictures are re-pinned a number of times within seconds of posting. When someone re-pins your photos they are passing a link to your Pinterest profile, and ultimately your website. An incredible way of being seen and connected to millions people – easily! This can be very powerful for future clients to see what I like to call, a “look book” or portfolio of recent and past projects.
Another bonus, the photos you post or “pin” don’t have to be your original photos. Pull photos from any website, but be sure to give credit where its deserved. Post trends that you like, or styles from other companies that go along with your company branding. It’s a great way to view the style of a business and what inspires them – to see if that business performs the work you have in mind. You can see what trends everyone is talking about, what is making a splash in your industry and get a glimpse into the near future.
Pinterest is powerful. If you haven’t signed up for an account yet, I highly suggest you get started!
Sign up here —> Pinterest