A Professional Paint Estimate
Ours Are Descriptive, Honest and Fulfill Your Needs
Initial Calls: Consumers learn a great deal about a service business from the initial “call to inquire”. For me, it’s the initial call asking about a free paint estimate. I enjoy answering the phone because it means the chance at making another Denver home more beautiful with paint. We get another chance at captivating beauty with colors. An estimate date and time are scheduled and the process continues.
Estimate Time: I meet on-site with the homeowner or business owner to assess the project, get an idea of what they need from me and my paint techs, and take measurements and notes of the property. All of this before I know if Mod Paint Works is even awarded the project.
I Could “Eyeball”, But I Won’t: Yes, some painters “eyeball” projects and name a price on-site, or go home and type up a quick estimate based on memory. Anyone can do that. But I like to be more exact and honest with the homeowner or business owner, my business, and myself. Honesty makes for quality business and finished products that have the consumer calling you again.
Thoroughly Typed Estimates: When homeowners or business owners receive our estimates electronically (save trees!), they will understand exactly what their paint project entails, exactly what we will be doing, and where we will be doing it. They will also know exactly what paint or coating will be used – the brand, the product, the sheen – and on what surfaces. There will be few to no questions at all based on our thorough estimates. If there are questions, I simply answer because I have all the necessary information from the project site that was gathered during the estimate.
Final Sha-BANG!: Make sure your paint estimates – or any estimate for that matter – are thorough, neat, describe the paint/products to be used and reflect all costs. Be sure the final cost is in fact the final cost. And don’t sign on the line until all details are figured out. Also, if there never is a line to sign, please go elsewhere.