Outline Your Walls!

denver painters oil trim paint

Outline Your Walls With Beautifully Painted Trim

A true trim-specific paint will shine when applied correctly

denver painters oil trim paint

There’s something special about using the right paint for the right application. After all, why would they produce so many varieties of paint? Selecting the correct product for your interior trim can make a huge difference in both appearance and performance. Currently, a lot of the trim in aged homes in central Denver are covered with oil paint – Ben Moore’s Satin Impervo to be exact. While this paint is absolutely gorgeous once cured, the smell is strong and the application of any oil paint, isn’t too user friendly. To speed things up (interior paint process) and escape the harsh fumes, Mod Paint Works spec’s the use of Benjamin Moore’s Advance on most trim paint packages. We also find good results from Sherwin Williams’ Pro Classic, a competitor to the Advance.

Both products are hybrids, aka waterborne alkyds. Basically, this implies that the manufacturer’s found a way to suspend the alkyd (oil) molecules inside of water. Totally scientific, but to your advantage. That being said, clean-up is with warm water and soap!

By using either of these products for your trim applications, you get stellar, show-off results that shine! Your walls will be outlined with beautiful, shiny trim that has that glass-like look. (if applied correctly) All the while remaining extremely durable for years of protection and service. We all know baseboards, door jambs and doors take a beating in any home so why not use a paint product that will be to your advantage? Do it! Better yet, call us and we can take care of the hard part – the labor!

Call Mod Paint Works today for your next Denver paint project! (720) 319-6822